5 research outputs found

    E-ServEval: a system for quality evaluation of the on-line public services

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    This paper describes the objectives, the general architecture and the components of the web-based system for quality evaluation of the on-line public services developed using the framework of the complex research project “System for quality evaluation of the on-line public services for citizens and business environment (e-ServEval)â€. The paper also presents the technological options regarding the design and development of the system, the functions of the components and the aspects regarding the interface between user and e-ServEval system. Finally, the stage of the project and the conclusions are presented.e-government, e-government services quality, quality evaluation


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    Cele mai multe studii si cercetari efectuate in domeniul calitatii serviciilor evidentiaza faptul ca baza evaluarii calitatii serviciului este experienta individuala a clientului cu un anumit serviciu. Cercetarile care promoveaza aceasta idee se regasesc atat in "scoala europeana" (mai exact, "scoala nordica") reprezentata de Grönroos, Gummensson, Lethinen si Olsen, cat si in "scoala americana" reprezentata de Parasuraman, Zeihaml si Berry. In cercetarea calitatii serviciilor, specialistii au Incercat sa defineasca dimensiunile calitatii serviciilor si sa conceptualizeze calitatea serviciilor. Rezultatele principale ale cercetarilor s-au concretizat in "modele conceptuale ale calitatii serviciilor" (Dotchin si Oakland, 1994b) . Articolul prezinta o serie de modele conceptuale ale calitatii serviciilor on-line cu aplicabilitate la evaluarea calitatii serviciilor urbane.modele, calitate, servicii on-line

    E-ServEval: a system for quality evaluation of the on-line public services

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    This paper describes the objectives, the general architecture and the components of the web-based system for quality evaluation of the on-line public services developed using the framework of the complex research project “System for quality evaluation of the on-line public services for citizens and business environment (e-ServEval)â€Â. The paper also presents the technological options regarding the design and development of the system, the functions of the components and the aspects regarding the interface between user and e-ServEval system. Finally, the stage of the project and the conclusions are presented

    Tensile properties of friction stir welding of three dissimilar aluminium alloys, AA7075, AA2024 and AA6061 versus process parameters

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    International audienceFriction stir welding is a solid-state welding process with a lot of advantages comparing to the traditional arc welding. In the last years, this process was more and more used in industrial environment to joining by welding a large range of materials, similar and dissimilar. Applicability of this process was identified in automotive industry, aeronautics industry, aerospace industry, railway industry, metal working, research and development, electronic industry, machinery and equipment and others. The friction stir welding process is a simple, this are performed in three steps: A tool is rotated and plunge into the materials until the shoulder meets the surface of upper material, after that the tool keeps rotation, start translation movement and traversed along the direction of welding. At the end of welding seams, the tool has a vertically movement to get out of the plates. This paper presents an experimental study for the welding of three dissimilar aluminium alloys, with different mechanical and chemical properties and the results of it. These three materials are: AA7075, AA2024 and AA6061. The samples obtained with the friction stir welding were tested and analysed considering: Process parameters and their influence on tensile properties. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd